Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Engage, Enhance, and Extend Student Learning Through Technology

Technology can be used in the Elementary classroom to engage, enhance, and extend student learning. But what does that really mean?

Student engagement occurs when students are motivated and interested to begin learning and actively learn.When students are engaged, they are able to focus on the current assignment with fewer distractions and they are no longer learning passively (by listening and taking notes on teacher-directed instruction). Since the goal of teachers is to teach students material they need to know according to the mandated standards and help them connect their knowledge to real-world situations, it logically follows that the goal of teacher instruction would be for students to be actively engaged in learning so they can explore, inquire, discover, and make personal connections to the material. When active learning occurs and students are engaged, they are more likely to remember and apply new knowledge and understand extensions of the material they've learned in the future.

Similarly, technology can be used to enhance student learning. This means using technology to result in students’ deeper understanding of a concept or topic that allows them to demonstrate their understanding with non-traditional tools (technology rather than with traditional pencil and paper assessment). Enhancing student learning through technology allows the creation of a way that makes it easier for students to understand a given concept. The key to enhancing student learning with technology is to ensure that “the technology tool used allows students to demonstrate their understanding in a way that they could not using traditional tools” (Karen-Kolb, 2013). The point is not to use technology just for the purpose of integrating technology, but to integrate technology when it fits with a lesson such that students will gain a deeper understanding of the material using the technological tool than they have with traditional lectures, practice problems/work sheets, and projects.

Lastly, using technology to extend student learning means taking learning outside the classroom and bringing ideas and concepts into students’ everyday lives. By making connections to the real-world, students can continue to use their knowledge in their own lives and continue to grow even after they leave the school setting (Malone, 2013). We want students to be able to use what they learn in school in their personal lives without the help of us as the teacher. What good is knowledge if you can’t use it without someone telling you to? Bridging school learning to everyday life experiences is essential in order for students to grow as lifelong learners (Karen-Kolb, 2013).

In the video, English teacher Laura Migdal explains how using technology in her classroom on a regular basis allows her to give her students choice and creative options. She talks about how her integration of technology allows students to challenge themselves and become invested in learning. Migdal found that technology also facilitates collaboration because students enjoy sharing with and teaching each other about technology and what they have learned and created. Migdal shares that she has found that integrating technology into her English classroom has engaged and empowered her students, enhanced their learning, and created an even playing field between students and teacher so that they are partners in learning. Laura Migdal's classroom is an inspiration and encouragement for teachers wishing to use technology in their classrooms to enhance, engage, and extend learning.

Use technology to spur students’ desire to learn and understand. Using technology allows students the opportunity to become familiar with various technological tools and gain skills essential for 21st century careers and the ability to use technology skills in their personal lives outside of school as well. Simply using technology in student learning is engaging for students if they are able to use the technology themselves (hands-on learning). However, the hard part is enhancing and extending student learning. For example, you could have your students create a survey in Google Drive according to a subject or idea they are personally interested in (engaging). Then, you could have students compile their results from the survey on Google Forms and use Flubaroo to create a spreadsheet displaying the results of their survey (enhancing learning because it allows students to visualize results using pictures, graphs, and percentages). Finally, students could create and share a presentation reflecting on what they learned from the results of their survey and what they could have done differently to obtain different or better results. This extends students learning by allowing them the opportunity to research, obtain data, and give opinions on results to persuade others on an idea or concept. After doing this activity, students would also have the ability to use Google Drive, Google Forms, and Google Presentations and the skill of carrying out a survey and obtaining results, in their lives outside of school and in the present and future. Engagement, enhancement, and extension successful!

Engaging, enhancing, and extending student learning is a difficult thing to plan in our everyday lessons. However, with the use of technological tools and some creativity for activities, teachers can successfully engage, enhance, and extend student learning in order for students to actively learn, be personally motivated, and to grow as lifelong learners in their quest for knowledge!



Fairfax County Schools (2012). Using technology to enhance learning - best practices. Retrieved from

Keren-Kolb, Liz (2013). Engage, enhance, and extend learning! Learning & Leading with Technology.

Lehigh University Library & Technology Services (2010). Strategies and initiatives. Retrieved from

Malone, Kailey (2013). Engage, enhance and extend learning! Retrieved from

Project Tomorrow (2011). The 3 E's of education:  Enabled, engaged, empowered. Retrieved from 

Friday, April 19, 2013

iPad App

The iPad App I chose is called Oh No Fractions. I chose this app because I'm currently in a 5th grade class for my practicum and I know they're struggling with fractions. Since fractions are taught starting in the 3rd grade, and I think I'd like to teach in grades 3-5, I found this app to be very helpful. 

Oh No Fractions is not your typical iPad app game that children will want to play in every minute of their spare time; however, it allows students to practice their knowledge of fractions and allows them to model the fractions given in order to prove which one is greater. The app gives two fractions and allows the student to choose greater than or less than in between the two fractions. There is also a peek option which allows students to model the fraction before they answer greater than or less than. Students are more than welcome to use the Peek option, but the app records how many times the Peek option is used, how many problems the student got correct, incorrect, and how many times the student "proved it". After the question is answered, whether correct or incorrect, the student has the option of proving why the correct answer is in fact correct (by shading in the correct fraction of a model) or to move on to the next question.

What I really like about the app is that it gives students fractions with denominators from 1-20 (depending on the level of difficulty) so they can become comfortable working with fractions other than halves, thirds, and fourths. It's essential for students to have mastered the concept of the size of fractions, greater than, less than, and equal to regarding all sorts of fractions. Unfortunately, sometimes the focus is so much on mastering halves, thirds, and fourths, that students never understand how fifths, sixths, sevenths, eighths, ninths, tenths, etc. work or how they fit on a number line. 

Another great feature of the Oh No Fractions App is that it gives students the opportunity to reduce fractions. The student doesn't actually reduce the fraction themselves, but it gives them the practice of being able to see when fractions can be reduced and when they are in simplest form. The app keeps track of the number of fractions that were successfully reduced and the number of fractions unsuccessfully reduced (the student thought it could be reduced but it was already in simplest form) as well. At the end of the time students have to use the app, the teacher would go around the room and record each student's scores in the form of anecdotal records (a chart with #correct, #incorrect, #of peeks, #of prove its, #successfully reduced, and #unsuccessfully reduced). If there was not time to go around and take these notes at the end of this part of the lesson, there's another option for assessment. If students use the same iPad every time and the iPads are numbered or marked in some way, then the students could put them away at the end of the activity and later the teacher could go through them and take the anecdotal records for each student.

I would use this app as the Engage part of a lesson as a pre-assessment to see what the students already know and what I need to focus on teaching, reteaching, and reviewing. Assuming I had enough iPads available for every student in the class, I would allow each student to explore the app and play the game individually so that they don't feel rushed or like their being judged by their peers. I could put them in pairs but then each student would only get so much time on the app and one student would have to watch their partner as they played the game since they would have nothing to do while the other is playing. I would give them about 10 minutes to explore the app (and I would walk around while they were playing the game to answer questions and observe how the students are doing). At the end of the 10 minutes I think I would call each student (or student pair) to record their scores on an anecdotal record sheet as explained before. As I recorded scores for each student I would notice the things students are having trouble with so that I could focus on those things in the lesson or in the following lesson. Later in the unit I would use the app again in the Elaborate part of the lesson to see how much progress they've made.

In order to decide if the iPad app had a positive impact on the students, I would look at the anecdotal records I collected from each student to see their scores. If the students had a lot of "peeks" and "incorrect's" then I would assume students either didn't understand the concept or that they didn't understand some part of the game. I would have a conference with the small group (or whole group if the majority of students are struggling) and talk to them about the app, if they understood how to play, and if they thought it was helpful in their learning and mastering of fractions in relation to one whole (greater than, less than). In 3rd-5th grade I believe it would be advantageous to have a class meeting discussing the app and the advantages and disadvantages of using the app so that I can receive feedback from the students. Oh no fractions is an educational app and if I'm using the app for pre- and post-assessment then I want to know that the students feel the app is beneficial for them and not a waste of time or too far over their heads. If students have 80% or higher of correct answers and are using the "prove it" to demonstrate their knowledge, then the app has definitely had a positive impact. 

Oh No Fractions is a great iPad app to use as a resource in my future classroom. It's fun and engaging for students because it's a game on an iPad that they get to play. At the same time, it's good practice for students learning the concept of greater than, less than, reducing fractions, and modeling fractions. The feature of the app that allows students to model the fractions is great practice for students proving fractions in relation to one whole and being able to visualize fractions. The app could definitely be used as an educational tool in the mathematics classroom. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Integrating Technology into the Science Curriculum

According to the experts, the best way to use technology in teaching science is through the use of probes, LEGOs, robotics, software, and digital media. Students should have ample opportunity to collect real time data and connect graphs with their real-world experiences. Technology and science instruction go hand-in-hand.

The use of technology in science instruction especially, has been found to increase students' ability to apply and produce knowledge in the real world. According to Janine Lim's research,
"Technology allows teachers... to augment the curriculum with current information and timely study of real-world events, thus making learning more dynamic, engaging, and valuable. Studies have shown that students who used simulations, microcomputer-based laboratories, and video to connect science instruction to real-world problems outperformed students who used traditional instructional methods alone" (Lim, 2002). Lim insists that the use of unbiased and educational software (to introduce lesson topics and for student use), document cameras (in order to show objects, posters, demonstrations, etc.), handheld computers (for gathering information, measuring, and comparing data), and probes (for data collection, easy graphing of data, understanding data analysis, and so that students can more effectively find connections between their learning and their own lives) is essential for students' understanding, comprehension, and ability to apply knowledge in the science classroom. It's essential for students in all content areas to be able to apply knowledge to unfamiliar situations they experience in their own lives.  

In order to make the use of LEGOs and robotics in the classroom effective for the teaching of science, teachers must be educated on the materials (how to use them and how to use them to achieve content standards) and understand how open-ended problem solving can be effective in the classroom. According to Cejka, Rogers, and Portsmore, "Robotics naturally lends itself to teaching math, science, technology and engineering...LEGO Mindstorms makes it easy for students even in kindergarten to design and build their own robotics creations" (2006). If teachers are properly educated and believe in the power of robotics and LEGOs, then these uses of technology will engage children in science,  help students connect science concepts to real world situations, provide hands-on learning experiences, and allow students to analyze data and visualize concepts in a way they weren't able to before. Robotics provide "a valuable tool for the practical, hands-on application of concepts across various engineering and science topics" ( Weinberg et al., 2001). Robotics allows students to view data and information through a device that process that information into graphs that students can analyze and interpret. It also give students experience with technology and allows them to make connections between electronics, mechanics, and computing information. These are real-world skills; therefore, technology such as Robotics, probes, and computer software are wonderful tools to integrate into science classrooms for the long-time benefit of students.

LEGO technology has become more popular in recent years as integrating it into the classroom as technology engages students, allows them to make connections between what they build and the real world, and give students the opportunity to "build mechanical contraptions (e.g., cars, creatures, ferris wheels, and greenhouses), plug them into an interface box that is connected to a desktop computer, and then program the creations to perform various actions" (Martin, 1996). LEGO technology engages students not only because it's hands-on, but also because the majority of students have either played with LEGOs or at least know what they are. Students gain engineering skills and strengthen problem-solving skills while learning to build different objects out of LEGOs that move. It provides a fun way to learn; everyone loves LEGOs! Students learn how motors, gears, sensors, and programming works and gain skills in mastering different kinds of technology. The skills students gain and strengthen from using LEGO technology in the science classroom give students confidence in their abilities, empowers students, and will assist students in real-world situations in their futures.

All in all, according to the experts, probes, LEGOs, robotics, software, and digital media are the best practices regarding integrating technology in the science classroom. These technologies teach students engineering and computer science concepts as well as give them experience in these areas which will benefit them in the future job market. Technology supports inquiry-based skills and problem-solving skills teachers strive to teach students in the science classroom and, at the same time, promotes confidence, pride in individual skills and abilities, and fluency in technology.

In my own classroom, I would love to be able to use LEGOs, robotics, and probes in teaching science. I think it's important for students to be given the opportunity to experience science hands-on so that they visualize concepts, invent their own questions, test their inquiries, and develop understandings in order to master more complex concepts later. After experiencing LEGOs for the first time, I've been influenced to use them in my own classroom. The use of LEGOs is extremely engaging, fun, promotes creativity, and helps students understand engineering and technology. By integrating these types of technology, I would reinforce technology skills, promote inquiry, and other skills essential for getting a job in the the ever-changing and demanding job market. The purpose of using technology in my classroom would be to engage students, develop/strengthen the mentioned essential skills, and to provide connections between science topics/concepts and the real-world so that students believe that what they're learning is truly important and can be applied to situations in their everyday lives.


Cejka, E., Rogers, C. & Portsmore, M. (2006, August). Kindergarten robotics:  Using robotics to motivate math, science, and engineering literacy in elementary school. International Journal of Engineering Education, 22(4), International Journal of Engineering Education, 711.

Lim, J. (2002, March). Out on a Lim with Educational Technology:  Ideas for Integrating Technology into Science Classes. Retrieved on March 4, 2013, from

Martin, F. (1996, April 6). Kids Learning Engineering Science Using LEGO and the Programmable Brick. Retrieved on March 4, 2013, from

Weinberg, J., Engel, G., Karacal, C., Smith, S., White, W. & Yu, X. (2001). A Multidisciplinary Model for Using Robotics in Engineering Education. Retrieved on March 4, 2013, from (,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&cad=b&sei=iPk4UcXaA6Ln0wG_moCADA&

Monday, January 28, 2013

Integrating Technology into Math Instruction

According to the experts, the best way to integrate technology into teaching math is to involve the use of calculators, interactive white boards, online tools, and other math-based programs into the mathematics classroom. It's best to teach a concept or lesson first rather than depending on technology to teach a concept. However, technology is a great way to reinforce already developed knowledge and strategies.

Technology should not be used solely as drill practice for students, but should really reinforce what they already know and help them relate concepts to real-world situations. Parents and teachers worry that the use of technology in the classroom will cause students to become dependent on tools such as calculators, the Internet, and programs like Wolfram Alpha. However, if technology is stressed only as a useful tool in the classroom, technology can have countless benefits.

According to Prabhu, after using technology in the classroom for several years students "said they believed they could learn new things in mathematics more easily" and "they thought it was easier to remember things when they used the interactive whiteboard" (2010). Technology has been seen to increase student engagement and enjoyment and seems to really get students excited about learning math. "Moving imagery was clearly a key means for [students] to 'see what is meant,' rather than their trying to 'imagine what is meant' when it is just described by teachers" (Prabhu, 2010). Technology provides interactive learning, animations, and videos, which allow students to develop a better understanding of key concepts.

In an article on edutopia, Smith discusses the importance of technology because it allows teachers to keep track of students' strengths and weaknesses and use that information to help guide further classroom instruction. "One technology that jump-starts algebraic thinking for middle school students is SimCalc, a program that uses computer-based graphs, animations, symbols, and tables to make difficult concepts....easier for students to learn" (Smith, 2008). The computer program allows students to go through a series of tutorials which explain key concepts like rates of change and acceleration through real life situations such as a soccer game. The program helps visualize concepts for students who learn best visually and also provides a hands-on method of learning. "Students can explore dynamic relationships, which is simply not possible without these machines" (Smith, 2008). Many concepts in mathematics are difficult for students to understand because they can't see how it applies in the real world.

Technology allows teachers to give students alternative ways of learning, practicing, and mastering skills, while preparing them with the ability to use different kinds of technology. This way, students know multiple ways of presenting data, concepts, and information (STEM Central). Students are also gaining skills in collaboration, problem-solving, and critical thinking, as they become more comfortable asking questions, posing possible solutions, and discussing problems with other students in the classroom. When students are using technology in the math classroom, learning becomes student-centered and does not necessarily have to be teacher-led.
"It’s fun for the kids, and one great thing is that a lot of kids out there do know how to use computers, so they’re willing to help or share their knowledge. It’s a great way to get the kids to help me teach" (Lin, 2007). Finally, with experience using different kinds of technology help lessen the anxiety some students feel with math and the use of calculators and such on standardized tests.

In my own classroom, in order to help my students master mathematics, I will provide them with many different ways to learn each concept and plenty of opportunities to practice each skill. I think it's important for students to be able to use calculators as a tool for math, to help them recognize patterns and to reinforce skills they already know. Since modern technology expands more quickly than we can learn about it, I would ensure that students knew how to use many difference kinds of technology by integrating it into the practice of concepts. In this way, the students will become more comfortable with various programs, websites, and interactive learning tools while they learn to collaborate. Technology is a wonderful way to relate math concepts to real-world subjects and situations; this also provides students with the connection they need to fully grasp and enjoy math. I would teach concepts with manipulatives and interactive whiteboards to engage students. Then I would incorporate interactive games, websites, and other helpful tools to reinforce the lesson and provide opportunities for problem solving and critical thinking.

Integrating technology into the math classroom has been observed to:
  • improve student performance
  • have a positive impact on student achievement
  • support the development of problem solving skills
  • assist students in mastering math concepts and applications they have trouble with otherwise
  • provide visual demonstrations of math concepts
  • increase motivation to learn 

According to educational experts, the use of technology in the mathematics classroom is extremely beneficial. Technology engages students and allows them to visualize abstract ideas and concepts they otherwise wouldn't fully understand.


Education Scotland. (2012). Enquiry in Mathematics. Retrieved January 28, 2013, from

Lin, C. (2007, April 10). Beliefs about using technology in the mathematics classroom:  Interviews with pre-service elementary teachers. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 4 (2), 135-142. Retrieved from

Prabhu, M. (2010, March 17). Technology adds to students' math comprehension. Retrieved January 28, 2013, from

Smith, L. (2008, May 22). Winning Equation: How Technology Can Help Save Math Education. Retrieved January 28, 2013, from STEM resources